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Contact person
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Email *:
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Complaint concerning *:
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Certification bodies
Data involved/certified Company
Name of audited company *:
Company address or relevant site *:
Data involved/certified Company
Name certification body *:
Auditor *:
Involved location :
Data complaint
Date of audit :
Date of certificate :
Name of responsible certification body *:
Nature of complaint *:
Administrative complaint
(mistakes on certificate, missing data in database, etc)
Quality complaint
(bad audit quality, bad product quality, misgivings concerning audit results, etc.)
Priority *:
Requires urgent action from the Integrity Program as the non-conformity is deemed really serious.
Requires action from the Integrity Program.
Shall be forwarded as a suggestion to the CB in charge of the renewal audit
Description of the complaint *:
Data complaint
Date of audit :
Date of certificate :
Name of responsible certification body *:
Nature of complaint *:
Administrative complaint
(mistakes on certificate, missing data in database, etc)
Quality complaint
(bad audit quality, bad product quality, misgivings concerning audit results, etc.)
Priority *:
Requires urgent action from the Integrity Program as the non-conformity is deemed really serious.
Requires action from the Integrity Program.
Description of the complaint *:
In the case of a supplier audit on behalf of a retailer:
Is there an audit report available?
For complaint handling, can the report be made available to other parties?
Upload any further files for complaint handling (pdf, Excel, Word, zip)
Upload files :
In the case of a supplier audit on behalf of a retailer :
Is there an audit report available?
For complaint handling, can the report be made available to other parties?
Upload any further files for complaint handling (pdf, Excel, Word, zip)
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Data complaint
Description of the complaint *:
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